Workflow Classes
Key Points to Workflows
- Every unit monitoring account needs a workflow associated with it
- All unit monitoring workflows much be big data enabled
Create a Workflow
Quick Steps to Create a Workflow
- Select the Workflow tile from the Dashboard or select it from the left navigation bar.
- Select the Create icon.
General Settings
- Workflow Title: This title appears throughout the system. NOTE: Limited to 50 characters.
- Workflow Type:
- Non-linear: work to be done against any asset. NOTE: All UM workflows need to be non-linear.
- Linear: work to be done against linear assets using walk the line.
- Sequence: work to be done against sequence assets as part of a sequence.
- Workflow Description: A brief overview of this workflow
- Business Lines: Determine under which Business Lines this workflow is available.
- Asset Classes: Determine which asset classes where this workflow is available.
- Stakeholders: Determine which Stakeholders are notified when additions and updates are made to each asset added to this class.
Advanced Settings
- Preferences
- Available for use in work orders: Allows for this workflow to be available when work orders are created.
- Requires Signature: Place a field on the workflow form for a user to sign using their finger.
- Compare and confirm entries: Create a pop-up box of the details of the current workflow alongside the detailed results of the prior workflow for review prior to submitting.
- Share workflow with Utility Cloud Community: Allows other customers to copy this workflow for use in their own system. They can only see the workflow and configuration, not your specific information.
- Enable Asynchronous Submission: Improves the submission of a workflow report by performing triggers and other behind the scenes logic after a workflow report is submitted instead of waiting for logic to complete. This means there will be a delay on your workflow report submitting, and if you need to see immediate updates on your submission or the results of your triggers, it is best to leave this setting disabled.
- Geospatial Settings
- Enable Proximity Verification: Require the user completing the workflow to be within a specific distance from the asset in order to complete the workflow.
- Proximity Verification (in feet): The distance the worker is required to be from the asset.
- Auto Schedule
- Automatically schedule this workflow whenever a new asset is created that is associated with this workflow. It creates a Work Schedule for this workflow and all assets of the same asset class for the account.
- Completion Settings
- Success Percent Complete: Allow users to view their success percentage rate when workflows are scheduled against work. Users are able to view this rate by viewing the Global Work section on the Dashboard.
- Provide chain of custody id (sampling): Create a pop-up providing a reference number when completing work.
- Notify Stakeholders: Check to send an email to the associated stakeholders when this workflow is complete.
- Miscellaneous Settings
- Machine Connected
- Big Data NOTE: This must be checked off for UM.
Security Rights Required: Can Create Workflow, Can Edit Workflow, Can View Workflow, Can Copy Workflow
Once the Details tab is filled out and all the workflow fields are added, select the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the workflow.
Copy a Workflow
- Select Workflow Classes from the Dashboard or select it from the left navigation bar.
- Search for the workflow class to be copied and open it.
- Select the menu icon next to the Save button and select Copy.
- Edit the General Settings, Advanced Settings and Costs as necessary.
- Review and Edit the fields (questions) on the Form Fields tab.
- Select Save.
Security Rights Required: Can Create Workflow, Can Edit Workflow, Can View Workflow, Can Copy Workflow
Export a Workflow Class
To Export an Workflow Class, search for the Workflow Class and select the Export link on the tile.
A Microsoft Excel sheet is created with all data regarding the Workflow Class including general information about the workflow as well as all the fields.
Import a New Workflow Class
- To Import a new Workflow Class, first download a template by selecting the down arrow next to the Create button and select 'Download a Template'. A Microsoft Excel sheet is created with all data regarding the Workflow Class including general information about the workflow as well as all the fields.
- Fill out the spreadsheet with the desired information and save it locally.
- From the Workflow Class search screen, select the down arrow next to the Create button and select "Import'.
- Browse to the file that contains the Workflow Class information and select Upload.